Thursday, September 9, 2010

Green Tomato Relish

Marcia McMullen shared this with me way back when. With a bumper crop of tomatoes I'll surely put up a batch this year!

4 quarts green tomatoes
6 large onions
6 green peppers
6 red peppers

Put all ingredients in food processor and pulse till desired consistency. Set in strainer for two hours to drain liquid. When drained, add to large sauce pan along with:

1 quart white vinegar
1 ½ cups white sugar
1 ½ cups brown sugar
2 Tbsp mustard seed
1 Tbsp tumeric
2 Tbsp celery seed
3 Tbsp salt

Simmer for ½ hour. To can, fill jars, seal and process in hot water bath for 10 minutes.

1 comment:

Courtney said...

What do you do with it?