Combine 4 cups of sugar and 3 cups of water; Gently boil for 20 minutes; set aside and allow to cool
Pour 1 cup of boiling water into 3/4 cup of instant coffee(not decaf). Allow to cool.
Place a split whole vanilla bean in a gallon jug. Pour in 1 quart of 100 proof vodka and add the cooled solutions.
Set in a cool dark place (like a closet) for 2 weeks. I think I remember straining it before storing it in an old Kahlua bottle.
Homemade Kahlua Recipe
- 4 cups water
- 3 cups sugar
- 1 qt 100 proof vodka (or 90 proof) - (4 cups)
- 3/4 cups instant coffee
- 1 vanilla bean
Mix water, sugar and coffee crystals. Heat and stir until dissolved. Cool to room temperature. Add vodka. Stir to combine. Pour mixture into 6, 12.5 oz. bottles. Cut each vanilla bean into thirds and drop bean into each bottle. Cap. After 2-3 weeks strain, remove beans and rebottle.
- Bring your water to a boil. When it’s good and hot, add your sugar and coffee granules and remove from heat. Stir until everything is dissolved.
- Allow to cool. Let it sit until it’s almost to room temperature, then pour it into a large glass container. Add vodka and the vanilla bean. Give everything one more good stir, then cover up your kahlua mixture and put it out of your sight for 6 weeks. First, strain your kahlua into a jar. Next, get a funnel and pour the final mixture into its final bottle. (Another option: Buy small bottles and split one batch of homemade kahlua into two or three gifts.) Close the lid tightly, and you’re ready to gift it! It should last for several months at least at room temperature.